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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Članak: The warrior knight knight online upgrade guide - 02/11/2010 01:30

Always love soldiers. Good at melee combat,( knight noah)can be arbitrary use of all weapons, to battle the fatigue and tension into combat capability, with great courage, rather die than surrender - this is the knight in the Berserker. A warrior leveling method Grade 1-10 will be able to kill the couple in front of newborn puppies and red worms, but the best that you can keep killing only when full of blood to kill the strange, so have the experience and knight noah can have more points, the other Try to use three sword skills can be learned to fight.

 Shaguai can see the strange order of the size to fight (in the strange knight, the stronger the greater the volume.) 5 after the class for point Armor and weapons can go away spots to kill the Goblin, the Goblin by size divided into 8, you can have immediate concern 13 (in the Goblin where there was a village, be sure to where the definition of resurrection points, to not every dead run back to back would be a waste of time.) 13-18 class and the people best team, the team is basically the number of not too many four to five on it, it is best to find a mage 2,3 led into killing werewolves, each one about killing 600 experience,( knight gold) this can rise to 18 or so. 18-25 Now you can count out a real knight. Pick up your battle ax to put on your helmet off toward the village of Carl Carl village has a lot of monster this time, the best group of people more than is necessary is to have a full team (the best combination is two soldiers, two JS, Four Master) that can play high- level monsters than you can generally contest the bar bloodthirsty werewolf.

Can continue to go play a greater werewolf, is also available from the first two villages continue to play the right side of the scorpion. Playing from the smallest, the largest to hit the 24 or so. To note here is that from the beginning to fight the scorpion, the team will begin a priest, or hung, but the loss will be a lot of experience. 25-35 to 24 after the team can play skeleton warriors, each one about the 2000 killing of experience, if fast, then two hours to rise level. After 35 or equipped to play a little tired if you think the country can play battle. States can play to fight your battle command capability also allows you to get to vent feelings of dissatisfaction (hit the country killed one person fighting the contribution plus 100 yo.) In front of the leveling method, repeatedly referred to the team. Members may ask, do not team can not I? In Cleveland, the Danlian is no future, only by team leveling brush knight noah.

The ranks of the Master determines the number of what you can kill the strange, the Master is the main Shaguai. Must be at least an ice mage, a fire mage. Ice Master strange place wheatgrass can slow down, or blame on the bite 2 hung up under the Master. Because the Master is not Ben, so hit a high chance of being strange. As for the fire mage, because he’s the most powerful magic is the absolute ranks of the main. The Warrior is basically as human shields, in front of the carry. So the soldiers armor is very important, but also carry a shield, used specifically to fight bosses. Because soldiers can run, so one of the tasks Yinguai and soldier. (Knight in the fastest way to upgrade is a strange group of people to play a major, which requires Yinguai, and you can only lead one back, citing many of the people can not stand.) Then the soldier is not weaker than the Master do? No, because less blood against the end of the Master, the most important is not running ability,( knight online gold)the soldiers rushed to the Master a few are enough to his subject. Do not want to say is that the last knight noahd, good equipment have to buy down, it is lack of knight noah knight noah, then you can go look. A set of good equipment, on the PK after leveling is very important.

Warrior point is human shields, do not think you can have more powerful attacks, magician playing much faster than you, the soldiers of the role is to attract the attack, blocked in front, you should not even think you lose much, if you let them die magician , and you can not live long. Do not worry you can not stop a priest to help you increase the blood, there is no problem. Hit such an extent, you begin to feel very unhappy, and everyone into a perfect combination of team supporting each other to share experience and items, and make friends, really really fun! The main thing: Make sure you place in the team to practice,( knight online noah)there is attention to team up to find the right friends, it is easy to a lot of leveling